Study Shows That Early Childhood Education Pays Big Dividends

Providing poor children with high-quality early childhood education – from birth through age 5 –according to a new study that followed participants for 35 years, results in adults who are healthier, earning higher incomes and less involved in crime. The study showed that a positive impact especially on boys and their families. Described by the […]

Overview of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality in eLearning

Welcome to the newest monthly column at Learning Solutions Magazine: a column dedicated to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed/modified/merged reality (MR), games, and gamification as they relate to eLearning, corporate training, education, and instructional design. In this first column, I’ll provide an overview of VR and MR within the eLearning industry. Future articles […]

Accessible eLearning Benefits All Learners

“Accessible eLearning Benefits All Learners” explores the reasons for creating accessible eLearning content. This Spotlight concludes a four-part series on how to remove different types of barriers that learners might face: “Accessibility from the Ground Up: Build Captions and Usable Design into All eLearning” describes accessibility for learners who are deaf or hard of hearing. […]

ELearning and Reimagining the Virtual Classroom

It’s time to snap out of black-and-white thinking when it comes to eLearning and reimagine the virtual classroom. The concept of synchronous learning, where the instructor and learners are online simultaneously and interaction occurs in real time, is practically baked in to the definition of a virtual classroom. Why would you need a “classroom”—metaphoric or […]

Personas Place Developer Focus on Learners’ Needs

If someone offered you a tool that could increase learner engagement and make your eLearning more relevant, would you use it? Consider using learner personas. According to Lacey Jennings, a service delivery leader atXerox Learning Services, using personas “gives anyone who’s working on [the eLearning] deeper insight into what is motivating the learners.” Using personas […]

Getting Names Right

The following article was excerpted with permission from To My Professor: Student Voices for Great College Teaching, a new book that brings together student experiences and opinions with advice from master educators and experts. The book was written by students at Michigan State University under the guidance of Joe Grimm, visiting editor in residence in […]

Nick Floro Talks About Learning Architects

Nick Floro, the president of Sealworks Interactive Studios, has more than two decades of experience developing eLearning solutions, applications, and web platforms. He sees himself as a “learning architect” who defines the vision of eLearning stakeholders and aligns it with the audience’s needs to provide an amazing eLearning experience. Nick’s long involvement with The eLearning […]